I believe in the power of research-based activism, and for this reason, I engage in activism and advocacy campaigns for data justice and digital human rights.
My areas of expertise are digital rights, algorithmic discrimination, online gender-based violence and hate, digital activism and online sexualities (see "Researcher" section). 
At the end of 2018, I became the promoter of the Italian campaign #intimitàviolata, which in 2019 led to the recognition of the crime of non-consensual sharing of intimate material ("revenge porn") in Italy. Over the years, I joined several international initiatives and campaigns against image-based sexual abuse (IBSA) and online violence, collaborating with international NGOs and several foreign governmental institutions, such as the European Commission, EIGE or the Council of Europe.
I have co-founded the Italian association Virgin & Martyr, led the Advocacy and Research Office at Cyber Rights Organization, and I am part of the global IBSA coalition Reclaim. 


- I collaborate with institutions, collectives, schools, universities, NGOs and only selected companies. I participate in events, conferences, and festivals as a speaker or moderator, online and in person.

- I write high-impact articles, books, reports and papers. I also engage in research-based online content creation (posts, videos, podcasts) to disseminate my mission and value.

- I teach courses, workshops and interactive classes to promote dialogues around social justice & tech.

- I provide experted consultancies in the field of digital rights, online gender-based violence and data justice.

- I think and develop advocacy campaigns to promote digital human rights internationally. 

INFO & QUERIES: info@silviasemenzin.it 

To keep up to date with my work and support it, you can follow me on social media:




Hi! I am a researcher and activist in the field of data justice and digital human rights. My areas of expertise are privacy and intimacy, algorithmic discrimination, gender-based violence, online hate, digital activism and online sexualities and emotions. 
At the end of 2018, I became the promoter of the Italian campaign #intimitàviolata, which in 2019 led to the recognition of the crime of non-consensual sharing of intimate material (revenge porn) in Italy. After that, I joined several international initiatives against image-based sexual abuse (IBSA). Today, I work as the Head of Advocacy and Research at Cyber Rights Organization, and I am the co-founder of the Italian association Virgin & Martyr. 


- I collaborate with schools, universities, NGOs, selected companies and international institutions and participate in events, conferences and festivals as a speaker or moderator, online and in-person.

- I write high-impact articles, dossiers and books and create online content (posts, videos, podcasts) to disseminate my value and mission.

- I teach workshops and interactive classes to create dialogues with young people and provide consultancies in the field of digital rights/gender-based violence.

- I think and develop political communication campaigns to promote digital human rights internationally. 

If you have any queries, please email me and I will respond as soon as possible. To keep up to date with my work and support it, you can follow me on social media:









Virgin & Martyr

Virgin & Martyr

Non-profit association for the dissemination of information and inclusive education about the body, pleasure and sexuality online and offline.

Core Team. Progetto di divulgazione di informazione ed educazione inclusiva al corpo, il piacere e la sessualità online e offline.


Cyber Rights Organization

Director of Advocacy and Research

Community-building & research 


Intimità Violata 

Launch of the political campaign #intimitàviolata to demand a law against image-based sexual abuse in Italy (art. 612-ter cp).

Community-building & research 



Ley Violencia Digital

Colaboración con la Comisión y Asamblea General de Ecuador para la aprobación de la ley en contra de la violencia sexual digital



Bossy, I Sentinelli, Insieme in Rete

COE 75-Logo-Quadri
Schermata 2024-04-02 alle 15.49.01
Oversight Board Logo
Schermata 2023-06-27 alle 17.15.14
Schermata 2024-02-21 alle 00.49.01




Il Tempo delle Donne | MILANO | 16/09/19 | LINK
Evento del Corriere della Sera. Invito a intervenire in due panel: Body Positivy (con Costanza Rizzacasa, Stella Pulpo; Corinna de Cesare, Costantino della Gherardesca); Revenge Porn (con Laura Boldrini, Mara Carfagna, Kolis Summerer, Francesco Inguscio).

Io non odio, e tu? | MILANO | 11/06/19 | LINK
Evento annuale di Amnesty International. Invito a parlare come attivista promotrice della campagna italiana contro il revenge porn.

Je T'Aime Festival | PADOVA | 29/05/19 | LINK
Sessualità e Web: una storia d'amore e odio. Con Greta Tosoni (Virgin & Martyr.

DiLPO Seminars | MILANO | 24/05/19 | LINK
Evento annuale di Amnesty International. Invito a parlare come attivista promotrice della campagna italiana contro il revenge porn.

Sfumature Femministe | PAOLA(CO) | 13/04/19 | LINK
Invito ad intervenire su revenge porn e femminismo con l'Associazione Artemisia Gentileschi.

Intimità Violata | MILANO | 31/03/19 | LINK
Organizzazione dell'evento 'Intimità Violata' a Macao Milano. Discussione con sociologi, informatici, attivisti, giuristi e psicologici, accompagnata da performance ed esposizione artistiche.

Conferenza Centro Genders | MILANO | 07/03/19 | LINK
Invito a partecipare come relatrice alla conferenza annuale del Centro Genders per la ricorrenza dell'8 marzo.

Disegno di legge | ROMA | 25/01/19 | LINK
Invito da parte dell'on. Laura Boldrini a partecipare al tavolo esperti apertosi a Montecitorio per discutere della proposta di legge contro la condivisione non consensuale di materiale intimo.

Intimità Violata | MILANO | 14/12/18 | LINK
Invito ad intervenire su revenge porn insieme a Laura Boldrini, Irene Facheris (Bossy), Luca Paladini (Sentinelli).

Network Day | RIMINI | 09/09/18 | LINK
Invito da parte di Amnesty International ad intervenire al Network Day sulla violenza online contro le donne.

La Rete Che Umilia | MILANO | 08/03/18 | LINK
Organizzazione della conferenza “La rete che umilia: violenza di genere e harassment online” presso il Centro Genders dell'Università di Milano, in occasione dell'8 marzo.

Cryptoparty | MILANO | 15/04/18 | LINK
Organizzazione di Cryptoparty Milano a Macao Milano, evento per la sensibilizzazione ai diritti digitali e la privacy.

Cryptoparty | MADRID | 28/05/16 | LINK
Organizzazione di Cryptoparty Madrid, evento per la sensibilizzazione ai diritti digitali e la privacy.

